October 5, 2011
Keeping the Ice Cream tradition was one of my most important goals. Unfortunately, we don't have Dairy Queens here. Instead, we have what are called "Mother Dairy's".
hahaha. It's the same concept as a Dairy Queen, just with less choices.
I am in Munirka right now, getting some photos developed. I went to a birthday party for 4-year old Eddy. Amazing kid. I told the parents that I would develop the photos that I took of the party.
This week has been a fun week! Brother Sunny and his family has been amazing! Brother Douglas just gave us two new investigators who are interested in learning more about the gospel (they want to know which of all of the churches are true). We found two new investigators through our own efforts. We were looking for the Anthony P. family, who live near our apartment. They’re lost sheep. We went to the address on our Teaching Record but we didn’t know which floor on which they lived. So we knocked on all of the doors on our way up. Eventually we met with a man named Sudheev. He informed us that the Anthony family had moved to another house nearby a couple of months earlier. We got to talking and he seemed interested in our message. He invited us inside. We shared with him more about the gospel of Jesus Christ. He’s Hindu, and so his knowledge of Jesus Christ is limited. We gave him a pamphlet and asked him to read it before the next time that we would come back. It was a very powerful lesson! I’m looking forward to continuing working with him to help him better understand the purpose of life. It just goes to show that even lost sheep can be used as tools to help find the elect!
I finally found one of my stories that I gave to President Jackson! I haven't been too careful in looking before, but you asked if you spotted on of my stories a couple of weeks ago. So it was on my mind to look this time. It concerns the Family Home Evening with the 4 families. There's even a picture there in the picture section! Just thought that I might throw that out there.
It's great to hear that the family is doing well! You're all in my prayers. I'll find some magnets for you all.
Oh, by the way, Aunt Diane's advice about Indians looking at me like I'm a ghost proved prophetic. I was at a member's house a couple of weeks ago, and the 4 year old daughter was talking to my companion in Hindi. Suddenly he started laughing. He explained that she had just called me a "Bhoot" with means "ghost." She then called my companion something else, which means "monster." I forgot the word, though. So yeah. I am apparently a ghost. Now I know what my Halloween costume is going to be!
I hope the Elder-to-be will do well! I think that he's going to Bangalore. We just got two new Americans. So I'm not so sure if he's coming here. Still, it'd be nice!
I can't wait for General Conference! I plan on staying awake this Conference. I always enjoy them.
That's it for this week. Love you all!
Elder Montgomery
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